Recently Published First Aid Articles

A woman using a portable device to measure blood glucose
First Aid for Hypoglycaemia

January 25, 2023


Hypoglycaemia or low blood sugar, is a dramatic imbalance where the tissues, especially the brain cells, become starved of essential blood sugar. This can lead to the casualty becoming unconscious and death may follow within hours.

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A dark coloured spider sitting in a web among leaves
The Grey House Spider Explained

January 24, 2023

Bites and Stings

Though Grey house spiders can live in a variety of habitats, they prefer to build their tangled, ladder-like webs in and around houses on the eastern side of Australia. Like most House spiders, their bites can cause moderate to severe local symptoms.

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RICER first aid
RICER First Aid for Soft Tissue Injuries

January 23, 2023


RICER refers to the immediate first aid treatment for soft tissue injuries. Soft tissue injuries involve tissues that connect, support, or move other structures of the body. RICER aims to reduce pain and promote healing.

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Women heart disease article header
Heart disease in women is being missed

January 20, 2023

First aid in the news

In 2012, then 34 year-old Jennifer Tucker was pushing her young children in a pram when she began struggling to breath. Doctors were initially sceptical that Jennifer was suffering a heart attack, but tests soon proved otherwise.

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Medical personnel helping a person in a car crash
First Aid Student Responds to Car Crash

January 19, 2023

First aid in action

Only a few hours after completing her first aid course, one of our recent attendees, Jenny, came across a single vehicle accident. Jenny had to call on her brand-new first aid skills to keep the woman safe.

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A man in pain clutching his chest
First Aid for Angina

January 18, 2023


Angina is a tightness, pressure or discomfort in the chest caused by a lack of blood and oxygen to the heart muscle. Angina does not damage the heart muscle, but can be a warning sign for heart attack.

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A Lesser black whip snake
First Aid for the Black Whip Snake

January 17, 2023

Bites and Stings

The Black whip snake is common throughout south east Queensland, including Brisbane. Large individuals are considered potentially dangerous, as their venom can cause a host of moderate to severe symptoms.

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First aid course Cessnock
Get First Aid Certified at our New Cessnock Training Location

January 16, 2023

First Aid Training

We are so excited to announce that we have opened a new first aid training location at Cessnock, the largest town in NSW's Hunter Valley wine region.

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Common Tree Snake QLD
Common Tree Snake QLD

January 13, 2023

Bites and Stings

The Common tree snake is one of the most common snakes encountered in Brisbane and wider south east Queensland (QLD). They are regularly encountered in homes and suburban gardens, where they use an interesting defence to deter any potential threats.

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Adelaide Sharks
Your Guide to Adelaide Sharks

January 12, 2023

Bites and Stings

The warmer weather has caused a spike in shark sightings off the coast of Adelaide. Developing an understanding of local shark populations, and what to do if you encounter a shark, could make the difference between life and death.

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Dusky Flathead
First Aid for Dusky Flathead Sting

January 11, 2023


The Dusky Flathead is the largest flathead species in Australia. It is common in rocky reefs and shallow muddy areas along the Australian east coast. They have venomous spines along their body that can cause severe pain and possible infection.

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First Aid for Hyperventilation
First Aid for Hyperventilation

January 10, 2023


Hyperventilation is an emotional response to stress, anxiety or fear that quickens breathing. Hyperventilation depletes the carbon dioxide in the body and reduces the supply of oxygen to vital organs and can lead to blurred vision, hand and finger spasms, and even collapse.

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